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Virginia Almon

Suzanne Connolly’s TFT workshop has transformed my practice… Her presentation as a kind therapist, an effective communicator, and her flexibility to go with the flow, drew me in as a student. Her comfort and experience with this therapy enhanced my ability to learn...

C.N. Spain 2014

I’ve been back just over a week. Seven flights without meds! Did great except for the last leg when I was so exhausted, I took a pill to make me sleep. Also went up to the top of a very high mountain to a monastery via cable car hundreds of feet above the ground,...

Ange F.

As a certified EFT practitioner, I had always been curious about TFT but hesitant to take any traing in the full TFT method. When I found the TFT-Algo course by Suzanne Connolly, I knew I would be in good hands with a Master Trainer, and I thought it would be a good...